Find Peace and Joy this Holiday Season!
The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most stressful. Holiday situations often create challenges, especially for those suffering from depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental illnesses. Complicated family dynamics, grief over losing a loved one, or simply trying to live up to the unattainable expectations of the “perfect holiday” can intensify symptoms of anxiety and depression.
So, what are some ways to manage holiday expectations?
- Plan ahead to keep from feeling overwhelmed
- Include time in your schedule to relax
- Make a budget to avoid overspending
- Accept imperfection
- Don’t lose sight of what truly matters
- Be kind to and have grace with yourself and others.
If you are suffering from depression this time of year, you are not alone. Major Depressive Disorder with a seasonal pattern is a form of depression that often accompanies changes in seasons. This disorder results from chemical changes in the brain and body and is best controlled with the help of a mental health professional who understands the nuances of treating this condition. Seeking professional support is truly beneficial in proactively managing depression leading up to, during, and following the holiday season.
The National Association for Mental Illness offers the following suggestions for those experiencing depressive symptoms:
- Staying hydrated
- Finding time to exercise
- Spending time with loved ones
- Pampering yourself
- Indulging without over consuming.
Embracing Life Wellness Center offers practical and effective options for treating depression, including remote telepsychiatry and in-person NeuroStar Advanced Therapy (TMS) treatments.
Contact us to schedule a consultation: 813-662-5919
Please note, if you feel your depression is severe or if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, consult a doctor immediately or seek help at the closest emergency room. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-TALK (8255).
Adapted from NAMI: